miércoles, 9 de junio de 2010

tarea o actividad 7

entrevista de trabajo
cuestionario de 20 preguntas para conocer las actitudes y aptitudes de un empleado

1.- What is your greatest strength?
o I always listened to my team
o I like to work so hard
o I like to do perfect things

2.- What is your greatest wearkness?
o Never listen to the others to make decisions
o I lose concentration easily
o I am not perfect but I think I will try my best for this job

3.- How do you handle stressful situations?
o I try to make good decisions
o I try to find out the problema
o I avoid similar situations

4.- Why do you want this position?
o Because it is was I was looking for to fullfit maycereer
o My career was about it
o I like this sort of things

5.- Why are you the best person for this job?
o Beacause I am a leader
o I have studied for this and I like this job also I have the experience and knowledges
o No one is better tan my in any thing

6.- What do you enjoy most about working here?
o The Schedule is what I like
o Beacause your company give a lot of Money
o It is a good company and I want to learn to do a doog job

7.- In your last job?
o Low
o Medium
o Good

8.- What studies have courses?
o Secundary
o Higschool
o University

9.- How did you get your last job?
o Beacause I know persons in that company
o I am good in my work
o I did not get it

10.- Why do you want to work winth us?
o Beacause you give a good pay
o It`s near to may hause
o Sume paerons that I know work here

11.- Do you know some one who Works for us?
o Parents
o Friends
o No, I don`t

12.- How long do you plan to work with us if we hire you?
o The time necesary
o When the contratt finish
o When you find a better person tan my for this job

13.- Tell me why you think we should hire you?
o I need mony
o I am good working in a team
o Because I am a person that want to show what can do

14.- Tell me a Little about your self?
o I like to do new things
o I am a intelectual person
o I am a person that likes sports watch ttv on read a books

15.- Have you ever had to discipline a problema employer?
o No, because I do not use to be a leader
o No, I never had a problema
o I solve it talkin with my team

16.- Why do you leave your job?
o I will fired
o For my decition
o I wanted a better job

17.- Have you experience in this field?
o Much
o Low
o The necesari

18.- Are you looking for job in other company?
o Yes, I do
o No, I do not

19.- How much do you want that we pay you?
o Much
o What you are offering it`s ok
o I do not need Money I just what to work

20.- Do you think you are good working with a team?
o Yes, I am
o No, I am not
o I have never worked with a team

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